Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Avremi and Tzviki kasher a pot


NuttieBrochie said...

hey sviki, when you comming to visit monsey?

the Mitzvah man! said...
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the Mitzvah man! said...

Remember sssvikeee (And I quote verbatim from barry!) - It's either mah way, or the hah-way!

NuttieBrochie said...

"you cant get lost on this island, cause your 2000 miles from mowhere"

NuttieBrochie said...
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NuttieBrochie said...

"your young and dumb, im old and stupid" -R' Barry

Anonymous said...

"unless its snowing its a beautiful beach day" -r barry regarding hawaii weather

the Mitzvah man! said...

OKay, this part of the blog is actually hillarious!!!

I'm livin' in likeee likeeee

wai keeee keeee!

I hear that he's moved out of town! Sheesh! Hawaii without Barry. That's a scary thought!

NuttieBrochie said...

what happened to the car? benny, i mean barry's car, not the one your thinking of!

the Mitzvah man! said...

OKay, now this is getting controversial. I actually wanted to ask the same question.

Anonymous said...

now that this has become a tribute to barry, it's definitely got chabad of hawaii stamped all over it! and no worries.. he tried to leave the island, we brought him back twice in 3 months! and if you don't want to get controversial, stay away from the car topic:) any and all of them...
this picture still make u want to come back??

the Mitzvah man! said...

Oh, this is the picture that originally gave me the intense desire to return to Hawaii. It was wonderful and memorable days like these, sweating uncontrolably over ovens and fires, getting burned up Kashering those pots and pans, staying up until all hours of the night (Not knowing if you'll physically make it through to see the light of the next day) cleaning, scrubbing and getting burned. This is what's pulling me back to Hawaii. If you can post some pictures of us at the beach toiveling dishes and SHLEEPING THOUSANDS OF BOXES, DIPPNG AND BREAKING BACKS, DIPPING AND BREAKING BACKS FOR 10 HOURS NON STOP"...
I don't think I would be able to hold myself back from returning any longer. The will for me to come back would be so great, I wouldn't be able to handle it.

NuttieBrochie said...

avodim hoinu....

NuttieBrochie said...

yo benny, and just to think how the boys thought we were tanned!

Anonymous said...

what agreat blogggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

the Mitzvah man! said...

Holchim toch aish umayim bishvil harebbi! Afilu bimkomot k'mo Havayeh!