Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Kashering the Ala Moana Kitchen for Pesach


NuttieBrochie said...

thats not the Ala Moana kitchen, thats the governors mansion kitchen!

Anonymous said...

um actualy you are wrong, it is the ala moana kitchen

NuttieBrochie said...

i will put you a bet that im right. print this pic, go to the governors mansion kitchen (not the bathroom) and see for yourself. if im wrong'll ask me any question on smicha, if im right...vise versa. deal?

Anonymous said...

yanky.. it def. IS the gov'rs kitchen. don't totally give away how much time you spent in the kitchen this yr:) na jk, but had to clarify

Anonymous said...

ahem ok ok i give in, but if you would have spent as much time as we (i) did) koshering those treif kitchens it all becomes one big blur, on the other hand if you are kashering the keilim for 5 or 6 hours at the beach...;)
and to anonymus, obviously you werent here during pesach otherwise you would know that me and my chavrusa were at the mansion working and koshering ALMOST untill shabbos, i rest my case.

Anonymous said...

yanky take that back... i wasn't here on pesach??? YOU wouldn't have had a pesach if i hadn't been here!! and trust me, i remember it all good and well:) but we'll let the case rest (if you need any more translations, pronunciations, etc. feel free to holler! figured out misanthropy and disparage yet?? i had a feeling those two would pose problematic)

the Mitzvah man! said...

Which hotel would have wooden cabinets in the background?? I don't remember the kitchens, like Yanky said... With working SO HARD and all. But it definitely makes more sense to say that this is the governer's mansion than the hotel kitchen. I mean, I hope the Alal Moana hotel kitchen doens't look like that!

NuttieBrochie said...

ok ok, you can stop the bloodshed now, im sorry for starting this whole rivalry, i hope no one is throwing chairs, breaking windows, swinging from chandeliers etc.

Anonymous said...

thankfully for computer screens and keyboards, you're in luck. mitzvah man, wise thinking. assuming you've been in a hotel kitchen before...they don't look like this!

Anonymous said...

its so shain to see you guys going so shtark in your inyanim of holiness

keep it up bruders

your bruders in the right place to bee

Moshiach now and i mean it!!!!!!!!