Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Rabbi and the Jacques!

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Anonymous said...

yossel...thanks for posting the pics. any more?

Chabad of Hawaii blog said...

many more to come...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, and i was wondering who hijacked this blog...

Totaly enjoying the update, keep it up, and best of luck!

shaka dude!

Anonymous said...

lol nd. nice to meet you here. someone had to take you over...
like the name.

Hijacker, thanks for the updates.

Anonymous said...

Haha, sorry S it isnt nd here.

But yes you are right nostalgia is so nd, i guess that would be the source.

Anonymous said...


Chabad of Hawaii blog said...

gee, dont i love being called a hijacker...i was about to offer a request section, you ask for a photo and you get it (provided i have it)...now you made me reconsider...

btw sk, nd knows that i am updating, she gave me access so she wouldnt be wondering who hijacked it...thats just an after thought.

Anonymous said...

no worries, i can wait a few weeks to see any more pictures you have on file.

and nd told me she had to hand over the reins; momentary forgetfullness. fleetingly momentary.

Chabad of Hawaii blog said...

to see all of the purim pics you will have to wait but i have more of the challah baking workshop, talmud torah, hamentashen baking etc which i will put up...with no offence meant, they have medication available for alzheimer's setting in early ;)

Anonymous said...

Fine, so your not a hijacker, t'was just some surprise coming back to this blog and actually seeing a update (chanukah was long forgotten)

I don't need a request section, I've already got all the memories i need and besides your doing ok for now, but thanks for almost offering, still a update more then just once or twice a year would be nice

Chabad of Hawaii blog said...

well that being the case i hope you arnt suffering from overload, considering the previous update rate my 4 posts in 2 days is way too quick...