Sunday, March 19, 2006

Chabad in the Honolulu Advertiser!

Purim fest survives torrents
For a few moments Tuesday, two young rabbis driving Kaua'i's drenched highway came to know the meaning of "torrential rain."
Yet rabbis Yossel Groner of Melbourne, Australia, and Dovid Tilson of Randolph, N.J., braved the rain-slicked roads on Tuesday, the day Kaua'i saw fatal flooding that swept away homes, because of the concept of "hashgacha protis," or divine providence. They knew where they were meant to be — celebrating the joyous Jewish festival of Purim.
The two 20-year-olds, here for Orthodox rabbinical training, heard their hearts thumping in their chests as fast as the windshield wipers, set on full blast in the unrelenting rain, as they slowly made their way from the airport to Kapa'a Park, where the Purim festival was to take place.
"We were still here on a mission," said Tilson, "and we were going to go on with it. We were not going to let (our fears) get in the way." continue...

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