Monday, May 30, 2005

Lag Ba'Omer BBQ by Kakaako (May 26)

BBQing at Kakaako Waterfront!
The whole ohana...
Group picture
Dan and his dog daven minchah!
The ladies chatting over marshmellows
Ora Devorah and Zahava after playing in the sprinklers...
Randall having a good time...
Moki and Sari man the grill
Shoshana with Dan's davening dog!

Mazal's Kosherland- our one and only Kosher market!

Mazal's Kosherland's owner Ifat Sharabi (photo taken from the star bulletin)
Mazal's Kosherland Crew!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Pictures of the Israel Independence Day Festival

Chaim helps out with the tefillin stand
Yaron poses with Mayor Mufi
A minyan for Minchah
The MC himself!
Pearl and Pinchas
The Rabbi gives a speech about Israel
Registration for the Hebrew School and Summer Program
Chabad's Kid's Crafts Booth
Allone and Miriam take care of the cash
Ifat's father, Chaim, makes some mean falafel by Mazal Kosherland's booth!
Moishe watches a video of the Rebbe speaking about Israel
Ruth, Miyuki, Yaron, and Moki brave the Kosher Food Booth!
The Israel Day Festival (and Daniel)

Around Chabad...

Chaim and Yanky during their daily Talmud study
Zacharia and Zahava show off their new prizes
Hebrew School Torah Dollar Store

Purim Japan

Nechama does "Shushan Shuji"
Aron...oh I mean Haman (the star of the show!)
Miyuki our tempura chef!
Getting food...
Purim Japan! (Thank you Shoshana!)

Our Hebrew School Prepares for Purim

Momo rolls out the dough...
Morah Chani's class paints bowls for "mishloach manot"
Baking "hamentashen" at the Daniel Levey Chabad Hebrew School
The Chabad Day School presents "mishloach manot" to the Governor
The Krasnjansky children all dressed up for Purim

A Day in the Life...

"Farbrenging" in the shul
Putting on tefillin at the Ala Moana Shopping Center
Getting the tent ready at Washington Place

Pesach 2005...Behind the Scenes

Preparing the surfaces...
Avremi and Tzviki kasher a pot
Kashering the Ala Moana Kitchen for Pesach

Our Women's Chodesh Group!

Women's Chodesh Group May 19th